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March 2024

  • Super Learning Day 2 – 12 March 2024

    Published 25/03/24

    Our second Super Learning Day for this academic year was held on 12 March.  It provided a range of activities for students in different year groups to participate in.  Inclement weather and train disruptions impacted negatively on planned trips but students and teachers demonstrated Resilience, one of six Hestonian Values and approached this setback with enthusiasm and can overcome spirit.  Well done to all.

    Year 13 - BTEC Business

    The sessions allowed us to practise our presentations for unit 1. We gained valuable tips and advice around body language and overcoming stage fright.  I am more confident now to attend any will help apprenticeship assessment centres.  

    Xavier Cabral [13A]

    Year 13 - Maths

    During Super Learning Day, we did three intense lessons with our subject teachers, which allowed us to pack a lot of revision into a short period of time. Super Learning Day was really helpful in the lead up to the exam season as it allowed us to get an extra day of focused revision with our teachers.

    Kiran Barrass [13A]

    Year 13 - Biology

    I found Biology very useful in terms of understanding how to structure a 25-mark essay. The day allowed me to focus on the exam structures and helped me write a concise essay.

    Sukhpreet Chahal [13D]

    Year 12

    On 12 March, students from Year 12 started to think about their Post 18 pathways. They were introduced to UCAS and Personal Statement, which they will have to write about whether to apply to university or to degree apprenticeships. The More Able students also got the opportunity to work with Peter Rawling, an expert consultant who helps high-achieving students to access top universities such as OxBridge, Russel Group Universities and Medicine courses. Taran Bansal, Head Girl, described the workshop as "extremely useful" and enthusiastically explained she felt reassured as she now had a very good understanding of how to prepare for her university application.

    In addition, students continued to explore online resources to develop their Super Curricular portfolio. These range from in-person work experience to online university courses and allow students to make their university or job applications stand out. 

    Students have now been able to apply to workshops during the Easter holidays, which will help them develop not only develop their expertise in their chosen field, but also their soft transferable skills. 

    The day focused on preparing us to apply to university and apprenticeships next year. Ms Forrest, our Learning Co-Ordinator, held sessions on how to structure and enrich our personal statements and I also had the privilege to attend a workshop with Peter Rawling, a consultant from PiXL, the largest education leadership network and CEO of Uni-que Higher Education Service. He provided us with bespoke advice on how to best prepare for our university applications, including courses we could complete and books we could read. This day helped me feel much more confident about my university application as I now have a clear plan of the steps I need to take to ensure my profile is highly interesting to admissions officers.

    Aisha Hajiadam, 12A

    Year 11

    This Super Learning Day was a valuable experience and provided a lot of helpful opportunities, giving us an insight into the exams we will be sitting in May. It was a very stressful but productive day.

    In the morning, we sat an English Literature [paper 2] mock, which was immensely stressful but extremely crucial as it will be externally marked and we will get the most accurate feedback possible before the real exams. We will also know that the results will not be bias, so we can see where we need to improve, to get the best possible grades in August.  But our teachers supported us through all of this, which made it less stressful and a positive experience.

    In the afternoon, we also sat a Maths Non-calculator paper which was immensely tense for all but some in particular as it will judge whether students do higher or foundation paper for Maths.

    Avneet Bansal [11Y]

    Year 10

    On Tuesday, 12 March, Year 10 was involved with Super Learning Day. There were a range of trips happening across the year group. Food Technology students were going to a local restaurant with their teacher, Mr Compton. Graphics students were going to Tate Britain with Mr Richardson and Ms Waheed. Design and Technology students were going to a London-based design museum with Ms Dhothar. Finally, all the other students were going to be exploring the National Science Museum. 

    As per every day, we cannot always predict the weather and that brought a morning of organising coats, hoods and umbrellas as we realised the rain did not intend to let up any time soon. The Arts trips left the School first, making their way to Osterley train station with the Food Technology trip beginning their walk. Unfortunately for some of us, after the Graphics trip to Tate Britain, we managed to board the last working train from Osterley that morning. We were informed that there had been a signal failure and there would be no more trains able to take us into London. Although disappointed, the students were in good spirits as we walked back towards the School in the rain.

    The afternoon for students who did not make it to their trip was spent working in our groups to explore ideas around coding as it was British Science Week and the theme was time and technology. Students were able to discuss with their teachers ideas relating to coding and also experienced the story of Alan Turing who is known as the father of modern computer science.

    Year 9

    Super Learning Day was an interesting opportunity to learn more about racism and its implications in our society.  It was interesting to learn so much about the different types of racist behaviour, both intentional and covert.  We also learnt about the effects racism has had on so many generations and why we all have a responsibility to work really hard to ensure that it stops with us.  It was made very clear that we should not tolerate racist jokes and should not remain silent when this happens and that we all have a responsibility to report it and to speak up as well.

    The afternoon sessions where we were able to use our creative ideas to design a range of anti-racist t-shirts was the icing on the cake.  Some of the designs were fabulous and I’m convinced we could use them as a platform to raise funds for those who have suffered from racist attacks.  Some of the conversations were very hard to hear, but the more we engaged, the easier it becomes to discuss this very important topic.

    It was a short day outside of our usual day and was quite a tranquil and irreplaceable day and I hope there are more days like this. This effectively communicates life skills to students through a diverse methods to ensure accuracy. This was a wonderful day and I can’t wait until the next.

    Kaia Hall [9Y]

    Year 8

    On this Super Learning Day, a day in Heston Community School which enhances the knowledge of students and broadens their spectrum outside the curriculum, we were learning about Drugs and Anti-Vaping strategies. Drugs are a very vital part of our society in a wonderful way, as they cure illness, but in a malicious path, as well, because they cause tremendous loss to the community. They are a cause of many diseases and cause a burden on society as they lure people. Anti-vaping strategies were introduced as well due to many students in secondary schools using vapes and cigarettes, which has led to this workshop. We learnt many knowledgeable things. This has meant that we will not be drug addicts as we have gained knowledge of the hazards, strategies to cope and the misconceptions about them. This personally has introduced me to a world which I haven’t experienced. This is quite vital for all young adults, as many young people have been using these things and to help choose their decisions wisely.

    We then had an informative lecture with aa former Police Officer who removed our misconceptions and the truth. We learnt this in a fun way, as we had some demonstrations in a simulation which isn’t possible outside school, with cocaine glasses. This showed us the adverse reality.

    We concluded our day with a poster, which was a tool used to summarise, and a competition was organised to celebrate the effort put in and also to simulate workplace conditions.

    Shanmitha Yeruva 8Y

    Year 7 - Geography Trip Update: Adaptable Animals & Hinduism Exploration!

    While our planned trip to Hounslow High Street wasn't able to go ahead, Year 7 Geographers didn't miss a beat! They rose to the challenge by flexing their creative muscles, designing their own unique animals adapted to survive in a specific ecosystem.

    The afternoon saw them delve into the fascinating world of Hinduism, exploring its rich traditions and practices.

    We were incredibly impressed by the Year 7s' adaptability and enthusiasm for learning!

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  • British Science Week Review

    Published 25/03/24

    During this British Science Week, our exploration delved into a plethora of captivating experiments, yet two left an indelible mark: the pinhole camera and the spectacle of elephant toothpaste.

    The genesis of our pinhole camera creation was intertwined with our journey through the waves of physics, synchronising seamlessly with the overarching theme of British Science Week 2024 - 'Time'. This thematic homage to temporal progression provided a fitting backdrop as we delved into the mechanics of the pinhole camera. Within its simplistic yet profound design lies a testament to the immutable laws of physics, showcasing the timeless interplay of light and optics. As we captured the essence of our world within the confines of a diminutive box, it served as a poignant reminder of the enduring principles that underpin modern marvels such as the digital camera.

    Meanwhile, the spectacle of elephant toothpaste served as a captivating demonstration of chemical kinetics, as the rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide catalysed by potassium iodide or yeast unfolded before our eyes. This mesmerising reaction, contingent upon the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, provided a tangible link to our understanding of enzymatic catalysis in biological systems. Through this experiential foray, we were reminded of the interdisciplinary tapestry that defines the realm of scientific enquiry, transcending traditional departmental boundaries to encompass a kaleidoscope of disciplines.

    In essence, the juxtaposition of these experiments encapsulated the multifaceted nature of scientific exploration, weaving together strands of physics, chemistry, and biology into a cohesive narrative. As we reflect on the revelations gleaned during British Science Week, it becomes abundantly clear that the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds, transcending the constraints of time and space to illuminate the wondrous tapestry of our universe.

    Furthermore, the mellifluous laughter that danced in the air, intertwining with the palpable sense of awe that permeated the hearts of all present, served as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of scientific discovery on the human spirit.

    Shanmitha Yeruva [8Y]

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  • Mock Magistrates – Heston takes the crown

    Published 25/03/24

    A group of dedicated Year 9 students have been diligently preparing for the mock trial competition against multiple schools across West London. Since Christmas, we have been immersing ourselves in the intricacies of the legal system and sharpening our skills to compete in a courtroom setting. 

    On 16 March, the competition took place in Wimbledon Magistrates Court, where we showcased our knowledge, confidence, and ability to argue the case effectively. Each student assumed a role in the court case, putting their critical thinking and public speaking skills to the test. 

    Before the trial, Mr. Sahraoui, one of the club leaders, expressed his confidence in our abilities, stating, "Our Year 9s have put in a lot of work in preparing for the trial. Let's hope they can complete the job, make the School proud, and bring home the trophy on the 16th ".  

    With determination and hard work fuelling our efforts, the Year 9 students were confident to demonstrate their legal awareness and represent Heston Community School with honour in the Mock Magistrate's competition. 

    Our first round against Lampton School was a successful start as Heston’s prosecution team overruled Lampton's defence team. Our witnesses spoke confidently, and our lawyers asked challenging questions that baffled Lampton and resulted in our win. 

    Our next case against Grey Coat Hospital School started shakily with their well-articulated prosecution arguments against Heston’s defence. Heston fought back bravely, throwing our own thought-out questions and pushing back resiliently, leading to our second win. 

    Finally, after these two tense rounds, a fearful atmosphere crept up on the numerous schools, and the overall winner was announced... Heston Community School won! 

    From this arose shouts of joy and jumps of glee from the Hestonian participants as we gladly accepted the glistening trophy! We are now proceeding to the second competition with schools from across London, where we will fight a different court case, and everyone will be given new roles. The students are already looking forward to this next step and hope to win this as well. 

    “This competition was a brilliant experience. It gave me the chance to see how the court system works, and I found it really interesting.”

    Clara McKeigue [9Y]

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  • Natwest Diversitek – Young Women in Technology

    Published 25/03/24

    The NatWest trip was such a great experience and I enjoyed it a lot. Starting the day, we arrived by coach and were greeted warmly by the employees at NatWest. We were given these funny red hats which made the experience feel much more unique. After some refreshments, we played some icebreakers in which we had to draw our partner and pass around that paper which resulted in goofy pictures of us. We hung those drawings on a board. Then we proceeded to go to a different room where we heard the stories of many influential, inspiring women. The stories were all about hard work and how it is working in a male-dominated sector/workplace and doing the course. They also told us how they ended up in their positions of power, such as being the leads of many teams. It was an enjoyable time and we also had time to ask many questions.

    After a break, in the afternoon, we were talked to about projects and managers and what it means to do this type of job. After that, we had a lot of Lego which we had to use to make as many projects as we could in short amounts of time, within groups, that would suit an area for athletes. At the end, awards were given to different challenges each group accomplished, while making the projects of Lego infrastructure. Our Year 10 group won the award for our problem-solving skills, which was quite fun. Overall, this trip was such an informative, yet really fun and enjoyable experience that helped me gain insight into different careers. 

    Aparna Bisht [10G]

    I enjoyed my trip to NatWest as the workers were very welcoming and friendly. I think it was really helpful to me career wise, to help get a look at what life is really like after secondary school; it was really informative for me and hearing the female workers' stories inspired me and helped me understand what it’s like for women in a male-dominated workplace. I had a lot of fun, especially when we were making Lego and had to build a city. Overall, I had a really great time and made some nice memories and also got to know a lot of people better. Hopefully, other people in different schools will also get the same opportunity I did as it really helps build confidence, work on communication skills and become closer with others.  

    Nusayba Kasmi [10O]

    I found this trip very fascinating; I believe it was a great experience for me and the younger students. It allowed me to hear the stories of different women in tech and their journeys and how they got to where they are. I now understand sectors and areas in tech. This trip also allowed me to interact and communicate with younger students by playing different games, which also helped with my teamwork and leadership skills. Overall, this trip gave me the opportunity to discover more about women in tech and broadened my career options.  

    Salma Mohamud [12D]

    The trip was very informative and a useful experience as it allowed me to explore my interest in technology in further detail. As well as that, I was influenced by the speakers who shared that their journey to tech was not easy and the hurdles they had to face as women in that industry. This experience was a fun, bonding experience with my friends as well as an educational one, as I learnt that there are many different fields within the tech space, meaning you do not need just be good at IT, but also other skills. 

    Hafsa Moalim [12H]



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  • Year 7 Girls' Football Rally

    Published 22/03/24

    Well done to our Year 7 Girls’ Football Team who competed in the Annual Football Rally in Springwest Academy on Thursday. The girls played 4 games - drew two games, lost one and won one. Player of the tournament goes to Aariya Sharma for her excellent team work, communication and work rate both during the tournament and throughout the football season.

    Team: Ikram Abdullahi, Ayushi Chacraborthy, Einya Fernandes, Aariya Sharma, Zarah Merchant, Mariam Khan, Sonia Arora, Chahat Jagmama, Avneet Wraich.

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  • Brentford Football Club Workshop

    Published 22/03/24

    On 15 March, Romario and Mannie from the Brentford Football Club held a workshop with 20 students from Year 8. The aim of the workshop was to develop positive relationships and was targeted towards students who could benefit from improving their behaviour in and out of school.

    The workshop started with an icebreaker where we had to say our names with an action, and repeated everyone else’s name with their action. I realised it was a task to get to know each other in a fun way.

    Another fun activity was the truth and lies, a game of saying two truths about ourselves and one lie and the others had to guess the lie. It was a good way of observing ways in which people talk when they are telling the truth or lying. It was also a good activity in developing our communication skills.

    We discussed our role models and who we would like to be like and hopefully, that would help create a positive atmosphere in school. My favourite task was the START and STOP activity. We each had to reflect and say what negative we would like to stop and what positive difference we would want to start.    

    Overall, I enjoyed the workshop and have learnt a few things as to how I can make a positive contribution in and out of school.

    Haseena Sekandary [8B]

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  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language

    Published 22/03/24

    I have always admired the role of the teachers around me: helping students to achieve their full potential, directly building a foundation for the future generation, and playing a crucial role in the development of future society. Consequently, this admiration of the teachers around me ignited a passion to pursue a career in the educational sector.

    I was delighted to be offered a fully funded TEFL course: Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The course consists of 10 modules, each providing an insightful taste into a specific element of the essential attributes and knowledge for a TEFL teacher to possess. For instance, the titles of some of the modules include: the IPA and pronunciation, grammar, EFL exams and many more. The course entails a multitude of videos that explain techniques to engage students in the classroom to maximise their learning [such as the use of realia, ice-breaker activities], interviews from teachers in the profession [providing a first-hand experience], key terminology for the career [EAL, ESOL, EFL] and many more.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed starting the TEFL course as I believe it has provided me with an invaluable perspective on what teaching really entails. It has provided me with different ideas to enhance my teaching in, hopefully, a classroom of my own in the future. Furthermore, I believe that once completed, it will have instilled valuable cultural skills within me, effectively helping me to become an open-minded citizen of the world. It also allows me to complete the course flexibly, with a deadline of August, enabling me to efficiently manage my time with my A-levels. Upon completion, we are also be awarded a certificate, a physical manifestation of the dedication shown. I am inextricably grateful for this opportunity.

    Aisha Hajiadam [12A]

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  • Heston Takes Delivery of its Brand New Minibus

    Published 22/03/24

    We have waited patiently for the delivery of our new minibus for 974 days! A record setting amount of time in anyone’s books.  There have been three Prime Ministers, three Foreign Secretaries, four Home Secretaries and three Chancellors have been appointed during this time, not forgetting a new monarch.

    The minibus will mean that students can get to their sports fixtures and trips easily and its inaugural outing on Saturday to the Wimbledon Magistrates Court resulted in our Year 9 students winning the regional trophy.  Long may it continue! 

    Congratulations to our Premises and Facilities Manager for the procurement of this jewel in our crown.


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  • Post 16 First Aid Training

    Published 20/03/24

    Post 16 students benefit from First aid training

    I am so glad I recently completed a first aid training course which was delivered to me by a firefighter who has 10 years of experience in teaching young adults how to perform first aid. The course covered everything from how to perform CPR on children and adults to how to use a defibrillator to restart someone's heart. This training was effective due to its practical elements; it wasn't solely theory-based. I was able to practice how to carry out CPR on dummies and on my peers, who were also taking part in the training. I can definitely say that this training has made me more prepared to handle any emergencies and made me more prepared in all aspects of life. 

    Prabseemran Kaur [12A]

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  • Romeo and Juliet

    Published 18/03/24

    Going to Shakespeare’s Globe to watch the modern adaptation of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was extremely interesting. Watching the play in the way they would have done in the Shakespearean era, with some schools standing up, others sitting in the dome and the absence of the roof really contributed to the otherworldly environment. It was interesting to see the Capulet and Montague families armed with knives, rather than swords, travelling across the stage on bicycles and electric scooters. The play overall was thrilling and the little present-day tweaks made it unique and intriguing.

    Anneka Chumber [9G]

    I really enjoyed watching ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in the theatre because, whilst I was reading the play, I was imagining it in my head and it was completely different to watching it in the theatre. Even though it was different, it was amazing. I had no idea what was coming next, which is ironic because I’ve read the full play. All the actors seemed very in sync and connected. Every time there was a tense moment, I could feel it. Even though the play was modernised, it still presented patriarchy and old-fashioned attitudes towards love and women extremely well. For example, when Juliet refused to marry Paris. There were also instances when the actors interacted with the audience, which was funny, but it also intrigued me as it allowed me to see the characters as actual people in a sad predicament and to put myself in their shoes.

    Luna Augusto Velasco [9W]


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  • World Book Week Celebrated

    Published 15/03/24

    We started the week with a visit from an Author, Manjit Mann, who told us all about a day in the life of an Author.

    I really enjoyed making bookmarks and the World Book Day Scavenger Hunt. We explored the heart of our library as the hunt unfolded — a labyrinth of riddles concealed in books we never heard of before. We, the seekers, deciphered in total 12 clues. 

    Lastly, I also took part in a storytelling workshop with Jordan Campbell, which was exciting as we explored a narrative of a person stuck in a tower. I think World Book Week was magical. 

    Ashford Falcao

    Heston Community School - Storytelling Workshop with Jordan Campbell

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  • Congratulations on a well-earned place at AIRBUS!

    Published 12/03/24

    Airbus Degree Apprenticeship Success

    Thanks to the unwavering support from my teachers and friends, I was able to receive an offer for the Level 6 Digital Technology and Solutions Degree Apprenticeships at Airbus at Filton.

    When applying for university, I decided to review all the alternative options I had post-18 and opted for a degree apprenticeship. This decision was driven by the prospect of having a full-time job to kickstart my career as a software engineer without incurring debt.

    After applying for over 25 degree apprenticeships, I finally "landed" a face-to-face interview with the Airbus recruitment team. Throughout this process, I received significant support from my excellent teachers and friends, such as Mr. Naqvi and Iman, who helped me prepare with mock interviews. Mr. Naqvi even went as far as inviting alumni who had also pursued degree apprenticeships to provide assistance and share their personal experiences. 

    Zaccheus Soares [13E]


    India offers the right opportunities & we are tapping it: Airbus India head  - Industry News | The Financial Express


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March 2024