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News & Events

January 2024

  • Twelfth Night

    Published 24/01/24

    On 12 January, we were invited by the University of West London to watch Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare. This allowed the text to be brought to life, as we could get a sense of the lighting and music, as well as the jocular body language. The play proved beneficial, as we were able to gain an introduction to the play's key themes and ideas, and seeing it being explored in real life has really developed my understanding of the text, as I now feel confident tackling harder quotations and exam questions.  Furthermore, this play was extremely humorous, and some scenes were so hysterical, it was inevitable to laugh!

    As well as this, we were given the opportunity to speak to the actors and the director of the show, who were very friendly, and discussed not only the play, but careers in acting.  The director also talked us through some of her choices for the set, such as the clothing each character wore, and how she intended to challenge gender stereotypes. The University was very welcoming, as we were able to get a feel of the different courses they have to offer, such as Fashion or Aviation, as well as getting to see the student-run restaurant. Overall, the day was full of smiles and laughter, and I look forward to studying this play further!

    Amna Younus [12F] and Arshil Warsi [12F]

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  • Year 13 Healthcare Science students complete FFA Training

    Published 17/01/24

    I found the first aid training to be incredibly helpful because of its clear and practical approach. Having this opportunity to have first aid training will benefit me as I want to pursue a career in healthcare.  First aid training is also a vital life skill as it means that I can now respond to an emergency if needed, whether I am at home or out. The hands-on training allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in realistic scenarios, reinforcing my understanding and boosting my confidence in responding to emergencies that may occur. Moreover, the emphasis on recognising key signs and symptoms resonated with my practical skills, which means that I am now able to respond appropriately in an emergency. I can now use a defibrillator and administer lifesaving anaphylactic shots if needed.

    Elisha Kudhail [13F]

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  • HCS Annual Food Drive

    Published 17/01/24

    On Thursday, 20 December, I had the privilege of delivering our school's donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries to Hounslow Food Box.  This is an annual event; our students this year outdid themselves and were able to raise a sizeable cash donation alongside over 10 large boxes of food items.  Meeting with the volunteers at Hounslow Food Box to hand over the donations was a very rewarding experience and they were impressed with the clear effort and support of our students, and the amount of money we raised. 

    Uma [13F]

    I am so proud of our school for raising over £1000 to donate to the Hounslow Food Box.  The Hounslow Food Box is a local charity helping and supporting local people and so it is with great pride that we chose to raise funds for them to carry on with their amazing community outreach.  Students, teachers and parents came together to donate toiletries and food for those in need and the volunteers at the Food Box were so very grateful.

    Kaia [9Y


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  • Pantomime Trip For the Year 7

    Published 17/01/24

    Our trip to the pantomime was so much fun. We watched 'Dick Whittington' at the Arts Centre in the Treaty Shopping Centre. We left school at 13:30 and walked down with our teachers. It was a lovely afternoon stroll whilst everyone else was in their lessons. The performance included songs that were played live and we were all encouraged to sing along and get involved. The plot was excellent and it was also really funny. The set and costumes also looked really amazing and the lengths the cast went to, to make sure we had a good time was fabulous.

    I would definitely recommend this performance to a friend - everything about it was amazing!

    Jakub [7W]

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  • Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge

    Published 16/01/24

    Year 10 take on the ‘Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge’, 24 November 2023

    During Year 10’s assembly on Tuesday, 30 January, four finalists took to the stage to deliver meaningful, heartfelt, engaging speeches in the next round of the ‘Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge’. Aparna 10G, Mibzall 10W, Prem 10R and Manmeet 10O were exceptional in their delivery and were impressive to listen to. The resilience, ambition and determination all four students demonstrated was admirable.

    Miss Strachan [Year 10 Learning Coordinator]

    Year 10 were an amazing audience for our four outstanding finalists in the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge, showing incredible support for their classmates. Prem's speech reflected on each individual's route to success, it was inspirational and delivered with clarity and confidence. Aparna's speech on the challenges faced by immigrant communities and the important role parents play in our lives was engaging and self-assured. Manmeet's speech on the impact of medical errors was emotive, she showed such bravery in sharing her experience in front of so many. Mibzall employed an effective hook in his speech about making the most of our time each day. It was a thought provoking speech delivered with aplomb.

    After a gruelling debate, the judges declared Aparna Bisht our school finalist with a special commendation for Manmeet Sidhu, who will act as our reserve. The regional final will take place on 27 February.

    Ms Kaur [Assistant Curriculum Leader of English KS4]

    “On Friday, 24 November we did our ‘Jack Petchey’ workshop, the ‘Speak Out Challenge’. In this workshop, we learnt about how to formulate a speech and speak confidently in front of our peers. Surprisingly, I enjoyed it as we played various games throughout the day, which helped improve our communication skills. My speech was about appreciating our parents as they have done everything for us. Overall, I enjoyed this workshop and feel that it improved my skills at speaking out confidently, which will help me in the future.” Aparna [10G]


    “On Friday, 24 November we had a ‘Speak Out’ workshop with Jenny. We learnt three ideas about giving a speech: content, delivery and structure. We had our own booklet we could write in. We planned our speeches in bullet points and delivered them in front of everyone. For me, I wrote about knife crime and how it impacts this generation and future ones. I think this workshop helped people to step out of their comfort zones and make them confident outside school, preparing them for workplaces.” Anzal [10O]

    "My experience of crafting and performing a speech for Jack Petchey was both eye-opening and aided my progression in my confidence and oral skills. I would also like to sincerely share my appreciation for Ms Kaur for her help and devotion, ensuring all four participants were ready to perform their speech live, to the whole year group. This unique experience is one I will never forgot!" Prem [10R]

    “I gained confidence by speaking to everyone about why petrol and diesel cars should not be banned. The activities improved my body language and speaking skills.” Manveer [10W]

    “On the day, I completed lots of speaking tasks which developed my confidence and I looked at what makes a speech effective: body language and delivery. I will be completing in the final talking about ‘1984’.” Harman [10W]

    "I enjoyed all the speeches, they were all unique and inspiring. Aparna's was amazing, her hand gestures and questions to the audience made the speech feel personal and as if she were personally speaking to us and she made great points on immigrant parents. Manmeet's speech was really personal and emotional, she was so brave for telling us her story about her father's death due to medical negligence, and it was so inspiring to hear her talk about it with such bravery and spreading awareness. All the speeches were fantastic and they were really inspiring and thought-provoking." Raveena [10Y]



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January 2024