ESU Public Speaking Event

On Tuesday, 26 November, seven of Year 10's most esteemed students took part in the ESU public speaking competition. We had to write a speech based on a certain topic and present it to seven other schools via Microsoft Teams. We all worked together in preparation for the competition, spending Monday registration period practising. Alexandra helped us research our topic, on the impact of social media on shaping the minds of young people. Anneka, Kaia and I wrote the speech, Luna was our Chairperson who questioned the other schools, Azzmina introduced our school to the other teams and Alpi delivered the speech.
Once we had researched and written our speech, the Year 7s acted as our audience where we had to deliver the speech to them, consider their feedback, which aided our progression in writing this speech, perfecting the speech itself and its execution and delivery. It helped all of us with developing our oracy skills and also our confidence in public speaking, not to mention the knowledge we gained whilst researching the topic. I really enjoyed the team work. I would also like to thank and sincerely share my appreciation of both Mrs Kyriacou and Miss Chana for their devotion in ensuring all of us were ready for the competition.
Diya Khosla [10Y]