P16 Open Evening

Year 11 recently spent a week getting involved with Sixth Former activities to experience what tutor time was like in Year 12. It was a great opportunity for us to experience a typical week for a student at Heston. On Wednesday, the Sixth Formers came to visit us in our group. It was good as it involved the whole class playing a ‘Sixth Form Bingo’. As we all had the same sheet, we ended up in a tie! It was useful to be able to ask people who are directly experiencing Sixth Form as they had good knowledge and experience of Sixth Form life.
Toby Brown [11W]
Sixth Form experience week was an interesting perspective on life after GCSEs. Firstly, we had an assembly on Monday delivered by Mr Naqvi, who posed some relevant questions for us to reflect on when picking our next steps. We also did some other activities in tutor time during the week which revealed the level of work we would experience in Year 12 tutor time. On Thursday afternoon it was very useful to see all the different opportunities available in the Hall with my teachers. I was able to see a wide range of subjects as well as the different levels of qualifications available. This will help me make informed decisions for next year.
Reva Kumar [11W]
For me, the most useful part of Sixth Form Experience Week was being able to speak first hand with some current Year 12 students. For example, I was able to discuss and hear about the opportunity to do an EPQ on top of my three A-level choices. Before that, I didn’t know that would be an option for me in Year 12. I’m looking forward to learning more about this qualification. Being able to attend the Open Evening was a helpful experience as I had some 1:1 time with my teachers and to learn about subjects I’m not taking at GCSE but may be interested in for A-levels. Overall, this experience helped me decide on my next steps for returning to Heston for my A-levels, although, I’m still deciding what subjects to take!
Sagal Hassan [11O]