Capital Experience Day

Career Ready students visit Canary Wharf
On the 1st December Heston’s Career Ready students experienced a day like no other. The Capital Experience Day marked the launch of their enrolment on to the Career Academy Programme. The day started off at Canary Wharf, where students were invited to Moodys the credit rating firm. Students meet employees from the firm and learnt about how the company rates and works.
After the employer visits, students made their way to the Dominion Theatre for an afternoon of motivational activities, led by motivational speaker Action Jackson. They heard from Career Academy graduate, Gopal Chand, about how to make the best of their Career Academy experience. Career Academies UK Chair Heather McGregor and Executive Director Anne Spackman were on hand to give valuable advice and the students had the opportunity to network with each other.
Students had to apply and interview for a place on this enriching scheme. As part of the programme students will be invited to attend work place visits and Master classes, where they will be given a first-hand insight into the working world. During the summer holidays students will also be placed on a paid internship. Students were chosen to be part of the Careers Academy programme for 2015 because of their drive and their commitment to learn and make themselves more employable in the future.