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"This evening’s Open Evening was fantastic. I learnt a lot about the Post-16 options offered at Heston and gained an insight into the subjects I might choose. Our school offers a wide range of subjects, from humanities, sciences to art and graphic communication. Personally, I was more interested in Arts and Maths, so I went to those rooms first and achieved a wider perspective on what the course work is like along with the specification. As well as A Level courses, I made sure to learn more about the BTECs offered and it is reassuring to know that, as well as doing a BTEC, you can also pursue an A Level. Overall, this open evening was quite useful and informative and makes me feel more confident about the future and what I aspire to do after obtaining my GCSEs."

Mancy Dutt [11P]

Overall, the Sixth Form Open Evening was incredibly insightful for those curious about the courses that they are considering taking after GCSEs. Both internal and external students were able to visit different classrooms, each specialising in different courses available at Heston, such as A-Level Chemistry, History, BTEC Business, etc. The teachers guided us through the summary of content on their chosen course, and its curriculum. There were also fellow Post-16 students who answered our concerns about workload, as well as how they manage and utilise their study periods.

As a Year 11 student, I feel that it has widened my understanding and knowledge of the possible pathways I could take after my GCSEs.

Ilhan Abdullahi [11Y]

I was thrilled to share my experiences of transitioning from GCSEs to A Levels with students and with their parents.  I reassured parents that whilst the workload was significant, the expert guidance of teachers and the Post 16 Team made the transition seamless for us all.

Manshveer Longani Deputy Head Boy [12C]