Junior Maths Challenge - Congratulations Zayd and Avneet

The Junior Maths Challenge encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems.
I was nervous at first, as I had never done anything like it before. However, Miss Sundram helped us prepare for it and answered any questions that we had.
When the day of the challenge came, I was so excited! It took about 60 minutes, and there were 25 questions. The first few questions were relatively easy, but they got harder as we went through the paper.
Two weeks later, we got our certificates – I got a bronze award! We had a pizza party to celebrate our success. Thank you to all the teachers that helped us take part!
Jassia Kwokova 8Y
Congratulations to all students who participated in the Junior Maths Challenge this year. A special mention to Zayd De Silva in Year 7 for the Gold award/Best in Year and Avneet Virdee in Year 8 for the Gold award/Best in school.