More Able Evening

On 30 September over a hundred pupils and parents attended Heston's showcase More Able Information Evening. Invited pupils heard an inspiring keynote from an ex-Hestonian, Amrit Ghatora and then went to bespoke sessions tailored to the challenges they will face.
Our keynote speaker, Amrit Ghatora, an Actuary in the City, spoke about educational and professional journey and the need to be the absolute best you can be at every stage of your educational career.
Year 7 and Year 8 students and parents were introduced to the School's literacy strategy by our Literacy Lead, Ms Kyriacou, highlighting the importance of reading. Year 9 and Year 10 students and parents had a session on the science of learning and effective revision by the More Able Lead, Mr Ghataura. Year 11 and Year 12 students attended a carousel of ex-Hestonian speakers currently doing degrees in Medicine, Sciences and Humanities, from prestigious universities such as Cambridge and Imperial.
"I found the evening amazingly helpful as it showed me different pathways I could follow. I found the talk on medicine particularly interesting. It was inspiring to see so many successful ex-students. I now know the level of intensity I need to put into my studies to be able to succeed."
Jai Khosla [11G]