Jack Petchey Award Winners

Jack Petchey Awards of £200 were given to three students who were selected by fellow students after being nominated for these prestigious awards, The winners will decide how their £200 is spent, it must be on something to benefit a group of people at the school.
Jack Petchey Awards of £200 were given to three students who were selected by fellow students after being nominated for these prestigious awards, The winners will decide how their £200 is spent, it must be on something to benefit a group of people at the school.
Jonathan Ryan (pictured above with the winners), organizer of the awards, said: “Jack Petchey Awards are a great opportunity for all students, because every student has the opportunity to win. It’s not about being the best, it’s about trying your best, which we can all do! The Autumn term was a very close competition, with over fifty nominees from all years across the School. This fifty was narrowed down by our senior students and the final three were chosen because of their variety of activities and the number of peer nominations.”
The winners are:
Inderpal Gupta Year 8Y was rewarded for being organised; putting 100% effort into everything he does; following the 5Rs every day; being kind to others; being a positive role model; taking responsibility for his learning and actions; getting along with everyone in the class; co-operates with others and working to his full potential.
Mahanoor Shams Year 9W received her award for being a good role model; being resilient and supporting others with their problems; always trying her best; having a positive attitude towards her learning; doing good work and being on course to achieve her target grades; trying her best every day; listening in class; completing homework and for having pride in her School uniform.
Japneet Sandhu Year 10O. Janpeet’s work on the Eco Project and in the School Garden were two of the main factors that won her this award. She was also regcognised for supporting other students in class and being on or above all of her subject targets.
A further eight students received Special Mentions and were awarded 100 Vivos each, they are:
Tania Puri 8W – for working hard and always trying her best
Parveen Merbay 9W– for helping others
Abdi Maxud 9P – for excellent effort in a number of subjects and being a School Council Rep.
Azhar Karmalkar 9R – for helping others and being supportive.
Mehreen Butt 9W – for an excellent work ethic, attitude and punctuality.
Manasa Chakka 9Y – for always being friendly and positive and helping others to be themselves.
Yash Pandey 9Y – for cheering other people up and being a good friend.
Taha Khan 9R – for turning himself around and working hard.