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  • Y9 Match Report

    Published 21/10/24

    Heston v. Reach 1–1

    The match ended in a draw, with the defence standing tall from start to finish. The defenders played a pivotal role, repeatedly shutting down attacks and keeping their cool under pressure. Younger players also made a mark, combining energy and creativity in mid-field to drive the team forward. Their contributions added balance and flair to the performance, showcasing the squad's depth and potential while securing a hard-fought point.  

    Waliullah Said [9O]

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  • Hengistbury Head

    Published 21/10/24

    Students from our Year 10 GCSE Geography classes spent the day in Hengistbury Head on Thursday and Friday. They had the opportunity to put everything we have taught them in class, finally in action outside! They all had a great day measuring the beach width and longshore drift, ready to prepare them for their paper 3 examination next year. This year we had the opportunity to see the coastal management being repaired / restored. They found this fascinating, and were able to see how large rock boulders are transported from one side of the beach to another. They all enjoyed themselves, and were happy that it was a lovely sunny day!

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  • Heston celebrates Black History Month

    Published 21/10/24

    The trip was very educational for us all. We listened to a variety of advocates talk about the different aspects of the Afro-Caribbean contribution to the United Kingdom. It was interesting to learn more about the immigrants who came from all over the world after the war and whilst this was focused on people from the Caribbean, they have all influenced our current cultural landscape.

    It was interesting to learn about the small black population recorded since the 18th century. In my opinion, the entire experience was eye-opening for all who attended, because the forgotten past of black history is helping shape its future and will always be a significant part of British History.

    We also toured the stadium, which was gorgeous and very well kept. We were all able to see the inner workings of the stadium and were able to see what it’s like for the players, whether they’re playing at home or away.

    Luna Augusto Velasco [10W]

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  • Staff Coffee Morning

    Published 21/10/24

    On Friday 27 September, Heston staff members hosted their annual coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer support.  The event was a roaring success, raising £99.05.  The large variety of goods donated echoed the values shared by staff at Heston.  As always, a team effort with excellent results!

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  • Year 11 Exam Preparation Day

    Published 21/10/24

    During the exam preparation day, I was able to focus on my Language Paper 2 skills in the morning in an extended session of English. This was useful as it was a reminder of what we had covered in Year 10 and has enabled me to be further prepared for my GCSEs in the summer. Additionally, in the afternoon, I was able to work with my Maths teachers to review my mock exam paper. This helped me as I was able to address any misconceptions or misunderstandings. Overall, it was really useful for me to spend time focusing on my core subjects, English and Maths.

    Ayman Ikhlef [11B]

    On Exam Preparation Day I was not in my normal timetabled classes. Instead, I spent the day working with my English and Maths teachers to prepare me for my upcoming GCSEs in the summer. In my classes we all worked really hard to improve our overall understandings of the exam papers and how we could be successful in those exams in the summer. It was really important for me to think about the skills I needed in Language Paper 2 and both the calculator and non-calculator exams in Maths. I think this day was really beneficial for Year 11 as it was different to our normal lessons and made me feel more confident overall about Maths and English exams.

    Tanu Vijay [11W]

    Exam Preparation Day was a great experience for all Year 11 students, specifically for me. I worked with my English teacher to develop my knowledge and understanding of how to compare and evaluate for Language Paper 2. We also explored writing non-fiction arguments. This helped me develop both my reading and writing skills for this paper. It was useful to be able to look at the mark schemes and model answers. I also spent time with my maths teachers where we reviewed the mark scheme for the papers we sat during the mocks, which helped me understand where I went wrong. This makes me feel like during the next exams I’ll be able to do even better in these subjects.

    Savraj Dhesi [11R]

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  • Year 13 students benefit from Summer Work Experience

    Published 21/10/24

    I was very fortunate to benefit from a two-week fast track programme at NCS with Reia where I took part in the Enable, Empower and Elevate workshops. In the first week, we participated in cooking skills, as well as visited Sky Headquarters as part of careers promotion. In the second week, we did a social action project for Ealing about wellbeing and we worked with a professional psychologist, CAMHS members, social media coordinator and the under 18 professional footballers from Brentford FC. We created flyers, posters and I directed a video that, once fully edited, will be published and flyers and posters would be sent to GPs to put on their notice board. We met Ben Mee, who is a football player from the Premier League and presented everything we did as a whole.

    Kiranpreet Gill [13F]

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  • Cambridge Biology Challenge - Outstanding Competitors Awards Day

    Published 15/10/24

    Tenay, Aisha and Moeeza achieved 16th place out of over 450 teams nationally in the Cambridge University - Biology Challenge. The students had to creatively present their ideas on a range of biological questions, such as "Why do animals not have wheels?", "Are humans still evolving?" and "What is the most incredible biology in your own habitat?". All three students are planning to read degrees in Biomedicine or Biochemistry. 

    "After overcoming the difficulties of the Biology Challenge, we were invited to Homerton College at Cambridge University, along with a small group of other high-achieving students.

    The Cambridge Biology Lecturer gave us insight into how the Biology questions were decided upon and different ways in which these questions could've been and were answered. We used the grand Dining Hall for lunch and then attended the Award Ceremony. After this, we were sent to an "escape room" where we teamed with students from Sixth Forms and Secondary Schools all over the country to solve various puzzles. Some were Biology related, some were not but, ultimately the point of the puzzles was to get us thinking and using our skills to solve problems we've never come across. As a team of six, we solved more than 20 puzzles. Some we did as a team, some we worked on individually according to our strengths. At the end, there was a small maze where we could progress only if we had solved the riddles. This experience was enlightening and highly enjoyable; allowing us to interact with new people that shared similar passions to us, whilst testing our knowledge and skills."

    Tenay Chak and Aisha Hajiadam [13]

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    For further information on how to enter, see the link below: 

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  • New Year 7 Students

    Published 08/10/24

    My time at Heston Community School

    Tawsul Humed 7B

    So far, I am enjoying my time at Heston Community School. There are a wide range of subjects, subjects that are completely different from primary school. The schedule is unlike anything I was used to. This can be a very new, exciting experience for a lot of people. There were a lot of challenges I had to face but over time I got used to the rules and overcame them. In Year 6, I was thrilled about going to the Enrichment Clubs. I wanted to go to some Enrichment Clubs, such as art and cooking. I was afraid of getting lost and was shocked about how big this school is. Within 2 weeks, I knew where my lessons were. Meeting new people was an experience I was looking forward to. It was also uneasy and unsettling but now I am grateful being at Heston Community School.

    My Experience!

    Aaliyah Mutagonda 7B

    From my own experience, Heston Community School is an excellent school. Even though I have only been here for two/three weeks, I am very comfortable and feel safe at this school. The teachers are nice and are very helpful. Everyone is very kind, and it is quite easy to meet new people and make friends, especially because you are always moving to different classes and joining new clubs and can even find many similarities and interests with other people. The older students are very considerate and they help us find our classes with respectfulness. This is one of the Hestonian Values which are; Respect, Honesty, Ambition, Kindness, Equality and Resilience. I believe the Hestonian Values make sense and are fair.

    My Year 7 Experience.

    Ayla Besic 7B

    So far my year 7 experience has been astounding! All the staff and students have welcomed me with open arms and have never hesitated to help when I have needed it. Heston Community has been amazing as I have a marvellous Head of Year and amazing teachers who understand that year 7 can be hard to adjust to, but the teachers have made it feel a lot easier than it seems. Before I came to Heston I felt nervous that I would get lost and no one would help me, but guess what, it turns out I was wrong! The subjects in this school are like no other. In science, we have learnt how to use bunsen burners safely and we have also learnt how to make chocolate chip cookies and if you’re asking, of course they were yummy. Heston has been so welcoming and has always reassured me that we always have someone to talk to if we have any problems with anything. The best things that I have been taught here are the Hestonian Values: kindness, Honesty, Respect, Equality, Ambition and Resilience. All of these things make me feel proud to be a part of the Heston family.   

    My time at Heston Community School

    Tanek Madan 7W

    My time at Heston Community School so far has been full of adventure, curiosity and overall, just an indescribable experience. The new friends I have made, the sympathetic teachers I have fill me up with joy every day I attend here. I can’t forget Mr Abdulla, our Head of Year, who has helped me since day one. When I first got to this school, I was scared of not making friends and had a big fear of being alone. But even though I have only been in this school for a short time, I can’t believe I even had that fear. The Hestonian values of Kindness, Respect, Equality, Resilience, Ambition and Honesty teach me ways of living that will support me throughout my whole life. Another quality about this school is the opportunities the School provides to boost confidence and help you to go the extra mile is the Enrichment. With a variety of clubs at lunchtime and after school, Heston gives you something that you might want to try or join to improve your skills.

    I would like to thank this outstanding school for everything they are doing for us and I am sure in the coming years.

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    Published 08/10/24

    Sarah Khadar

    My transition from Lampton to Heston has been challenging, but with the support of the teachers, I’m becoming more and more confident that I have made the right choice. Initially, I felt nervous about meeting new people and adapting to a different environment. However, the welcoming atmosphere at Heston quickly put me at ease. The school emphasises that when students and teachers collaborate, achieving distinctions in BTEC courses is always possible. I’m truly grateful for making the move here.

     Khadhar Abdullai 

    Heston Community School takes pride in its strong academic achievements and commitment to its core values. Sixth Form students are offered a well-rounded curriculum, along with the privilege of study periods in its dedicated Private Study Area. The School goes above and beyond in encouraging students to participate in Societies and extracurricular activities, helping to build essential social and life skills that will benefit them at university and beyond.

    As an external student, I can't emphasise enough how warmly I’ve been welcomed by both former primary school peers and new classmates. Overall, my time at Heston’s has been very positive and I feel very confident that I will achieve well and go on to my first choice university.

    Liya Ludhra

    The transition from Year 11 to Sixth Form is a significant shift. In the Sixth Form, we have more independence and dive deeper into our chosen subjects, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, with smaller class sizes, it becomes much easier to engage with your teachers and clarify any areas of confusion.

    One of the biggest advantages of the Sixth Form is that you get to select subjects that genuinely interest you. Studying something you enjoy can make a big difference, as it motivates you to complete your work with more enthusiasm.

    With greater independence comes the need to stay organised and manage your time well. The Sixth Form Centre provides a great space for independent study, whether you are pre-reading for lessons, catching up on homework, or revising. This not only helps you build confidence but also prepares you for future challenges.  I’m very happy that I made the decision to stay on at Heston and I’m optimistic about my grades at the end of Year 13.

    Natalia Baranowska

    Settling into Sixth Form has been a mix of emotions. It is quite exciting as I was able to choose the subjects I’m interested in.  Post 16 studies do come with far more freedom but also greater responsibility. I believe we are being prepared well to manage our work load and to organise ourselves so that we are not overwhelmed. However, there were also areas in which I felt nervous being in an environment with new people and worried about the work load. My fantastic teachers have allayed my concerns and I’m already making good progress.

    Overall sixth form has been a great experience so far and I’m looking forward to the next two years.

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  • STEM SMART residential

    Published 01/10/24

    University of Cambridge STEM START Residential

    In the STEM SMART residential at the University of Cambridge, I stayed at Downing college and this allowed me to experience what university life might be like. We spent the majority of the days at the Cavendish Laboratory, where we would revise previous topics that were taught in STEM SMART tutorials as well as learning new content. The professors also taught us topics that extend beyond the curriculum at school. I had the opportunity to work in an undergraduate lab and completed a practical investigation of the effect of a virus called fusicoccin on stomata. The equipment we used was much more complicated compared to the equipment that we are used to in school! Overall, it was a great experience and gave me a taster of the university style of learning.

    Taran Bansal - [13E]


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  • GCSE Results Day

    Published 27/09/24

    Congratulations to all our Year 11 students on their GCSE examination results. We are delighted that many of our students will be returning to Heston for Post 16 study.

    Navvya Makwana, who secured a highly impressive eight Grade 9s, said: “Each Grade 9 required hours of work and dedication and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved. You reap what you sow with GCSEs. With 9s in Sciences and Maths, I’m going to study Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Further Maths and I’m also pursuing the Extended Project Qualification, with the hope of becoming a psychiatrist in the future.”

    Angelina Tihhomirova, who achieved five Grade 9s, said: “I couldn't have been happier with my results. When I first opened the envelope, I was overwhelmed with surprise and happiness. Even more so, I was proud of the effort and hard work I put in over the two years - the extra work I handed in for marking, the interventions I went to.  I am especially thankful to all the teachers that took time out of their day to print out extra work, booklets and exam questions for me.”

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  • Dance and Drama Studios

    Published 24/09/24

    We are delighted to announce the reintroduction of Dance into our School curriculum for all KS3 students. Our new Dance Studio and refurbished Drama Room have wowed students as they have returned to School this September. We are excited to be offering a range of Expressive Arts enrichment activities, providing our students with opportunities to be creative and stretch and develop all their talents.

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