Road Safety
There was an external company that came to teach us about road safety with a small pantomime.
It was interesting as the play addresses the common scene that we see every day; people walking with their phones out, not paying attention to what is happening around them.
The road is a busy place with lots of moving vehicles, bikes and cars with so much more. I really enjoyed it because it was a type of real-life scenario. This assembly was crucial for the ages 11 – 15, this is because we now gain access to the ability to have a phone. We get older and develop new abilities but forget the main warnings our teachers and parents teach us. Some people are so addicted they cannot live without phones, this assembly showed us the dangers of paying attention.
Erinpreet Kaur [7Y]
We had the pleasure of having external speakers enter our school and put up a show for Road Safety.
It was a great way to showcase the potential dangers of using our phones on busy roads, emphasising the need to be aware of our surroundings.
This assembly was crucial for 11-16 year old students, as now that we are older, we believe that we can do things that we were taught not to do before. These thoughts can lead to impulsive decisions that may affect our lives or surrounding ones.
During the assembly, I learnt that you should not have any distractions on the road and one example is your phone. Normally, when you enter secondary school, your parents will give you a phone and the screen can be addicting to the point where your eyes are practically glued to them. Now this is a large problem, especially on the road as there might be a car coming and, since you are not looking, you won’t notice it approaching.
Mila Chen [7G]