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Teachers soaked for charity

Wet sponge throw at Teachers is the latest fundraiser at Heston

As part of an AS Business Studies project, Year 12 held a Wet Sponge Throw event which gave students the opportunity to drench their teachers!

 Students throwing wet sponges at teachers Teachers getting very wet





Business Studies Teacher, Miss Khalid, said: “The pupils managed to raise over £30 in a short amount of time for Save the Children. The project allowed them to be leaders and responsible citizens. They demonstrated independence, resilience, teamwork and most importantly, all the business skills required to create an idea and to implement it to achieve an objective! A special thanks to all the teachers involved in the charity event and most importantly, the students who have made this event possible. Well done.“

This was just one of many fundraising events that are a regular occurrence at Heston – other recent  activities saw 9 Yellow Tutor Group raise £113 for Shooting Stars by selling Twister ice creams and Sixth Form students have been raising money for Water Aid through their Cake and Pizza sales.

 Pizza sales  Cake Sale